Fact #466

Douglas Adams, author of the Hitchhiker’s guide was a guitarist and a friend of David Gilmour from Pink Floyd, and Adams played for Pink Floyd in their Earls Court concert in 1994. Adams played the guitar in the songs “Brain Damage” and “Eclipse”.


Fact #449

People with ‘resting bitch face’ get asked the following questions extremely often:

“What’s wrong with you?” “You really should smile more…” “SMILE!”- (Saiyam) “You look angry. Are you OK?” “You really aren’t upset with me?” “Will you just be a little bit happy?” “Cheer up!”

: http://www.dose.com/lists/3110/21-Things-People-With-Resting-Bitch-Face-Never-Want-To-Hear-Again?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=omgfacts&utm_campaign=lists&utm_content=first